Skill Summary Language Method D3.js v5 Hexabin HTML5 WordPress I used the simple script from Mike Bockstock’s D3.js page to play around with hex bins. I repurposed it here to feature services.
Interactive tools for exploring data
Candlestick Charts – Stock Lookup
Skill Summary Language Method D3.js v5 Candlestick Chart HTML5 Alpha Advantage API(using promises) HomeAboutAuthor Daily A simple single API web app that visualizes time-series stock data using the Alpha Vantage free APIEnter the stock symple and select the reporting type. Click Sumbit Weekly: weekly time series (last trading day of each week, weekly open, weekly […]
Re-imagining Tables
Skill Summary Language Method Adobe InDesign Infographic Excel Bar chart I went through a thought exercise to see what I could do with a cross tabulation, like the one below. It shows NYC Open Data Overall School Grade data from the 2009 to 2010 school years. I started by changing the table style in order to […]
News Sources
Skill Summary Language Method D3.js v5 Sankey Chart D3.js v5 Google News API (using promises) HomeAbout Author A simple single page web app that pulls today’s top 20 headlines from the Google News API based on user input in d3.js v5: headlines based on user input using promises, visualised in sankey chart, showing how many sources […]
Skill Summary Language Method D3.js v4 Drill-down and stacked bar chart JQuery Data Munging Underscore.js Data Munging My implementation of a drill-down horizontal bar chart for a dashboard I created for managers to scroll through the business income tax filers and their audit coverage. (Data shown below not actual) The pie and secondary column chart […]
Media Explorer
Skill Summary Language Method D3.js v3 Interactive Data Exploration SQL/BIGQuery Data Munging This is an interactive visualization I worked on with Dhia Barnes and Pi Lanningham that enables the user to view 2015 average news article tone, and number of news articles identified for each person who died while in police custody in 2015, as […]
Subway Station Criticality
Skill Summary> Language Method D3 Mapping with D3 Python Modeling Demand Python Community Detection Python Network Analysis Visualization for project with Richard Vecslera, Yuan Shia, Ekaterina Levitskaya, and Sunny Kulkarnia where we identify the synergistic effect of multiple simultaneous station disruptions on the New York City subway system. The Paper NYC Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) […]
NYC Subway System as a Network
Skill Summary Language Method D3 Mapping with D3 D3 Force-directed graph/td> I was part of a group of students who sought to identify and measure the effect of multiple simultaneous disruptions on the NYC Subway system as an example of urban vulnerability. We constructed a network model based on train schedule information for a typical […]
Beer and Desserts
Skill Summary Language Method Javascript Working with APIs and setting up a single-page app structure D3 Interactive visualizations JQuery Data Munging JQuery Data Munging Underscore.js Data Munging Users enter a search word (top right of the page) that searches all BreweryDB data for beers containing the entered word. Users can then click on the results, […]