Skill Summary
Language | Method |
Javascript | Working with APIs and setting up a single-page app structure |
D3 | Interactive visualizations |
JQuery | Data Munging |
JQuery | Data Munging |
Underscore.js | Data Munging |
Users enter a search word (top right of the page) that searches all BreweryDB data for beers containing the entered word. Users can then click on the results, represented by their labels or default image of beer (center of the page) for more information about the beer.Users can double click on the results to look for related desserts that have similar ingredients. The ingredients are pulled from the beer and beer style description of the double-clicked on beer. This works by sending the beer and style descriptions to the textrazor api and searching for words related to food. the resulting entities are filtered by confidence and relevance score for the top 25% ranking scores. These ingredients are then sent through to the Yummly API.
Users can click on the dessert search results, represented by circles in the dessert information section at the bottom right hand of the page for more information on the dessert.
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